Abstract & Poster

Book of Abstracts of the 16th ITTF SSC is downloadable here:



Abstract submission

Abstracts must be submitted electronically to the Congress Organizer via e-mail:



Deadline for submission

Abstracts must be submitted until Friday 8th March 2019


Abstract language

All abstracts and presenter information must be submitted in English language.


Abstract format

The abstract must be typed into the Abstract Submission Form (Arial 10pt, single line spacing). Abstracts are restricted to 250 words and one A4 page. Diagrams and figures should be reduced to a minimum.


Forms of presentations

  • Invited speakers
  • Oral presentations
  • Poster presentations


Presenter information

Personal details of the person presenting the paper must be completed. All presenters must register for the congress.


Presentation language

The conference language is English. Posters may be in any language but must include a full translation into English.


Poster presentation

You have to print your own poster!

  • Posters will be displayed for both days in the congress rooms. Posters will be arranged by session and they will be discussed.
  • The size of the poster boards will be 100 cm (height) x 80 cm (width).
  • Fastening material will be provided!


Requirements for a poster

Requirements of poster’s content

  • Name(s), academic position(s), host institute(s) of the authors
  • Title of the poster-presentation
  • Introduction, aim(s) of the poster-presentation
    First part of the poster must introduce the topic, the importance of the topic.
  • Methodology and database
  • Results
    It is worth to illustrate the results with graphs, tables, pictures. The ratio of pictures, tables and texts should be proportional, nothing of them should dominate. It is suggested this section to be highlighted.
  • Findings
  • Acknowledgements (if it is necessary)


Formal requirements

  • Size of the poster should be maximal 80×100 cm, in a vertical position. A margin of 2.5 cm should be leave all the sides of the poster.
  • Title of the poster: 48 pt, bold, Arial type, simple spacing.
  • Undertitle of the poster: 26 pt, bold Arial type, simple spacing.
  • These are minimum requirements but authors can adapt their approach


Listing of the authors

  • First Author1, Second Author2, Other Authors3 (bold, Arial, 18 pt, with academic position)
  • 1 Host institute of the first author (16 pt Arial)
  • 2 Host institute of the second author if it is other, than the first etc.