
  • Budapest is waiting for the table tennis scientists of the world
    8 APRIL 2019

    The 16th ITTF Sports Science Congress will be organised by the ITTF, HTTA and University of Pécs on the 19-20 April in Budapest before the World Table Tennis Championship. The registration process is over and the Organising Committee is looking forward for a very interesting congress.

  • Abstract submission deadline is prolonged
    18 FEBRUARY 2019

    The Orgainising Committee of the ITTF SSC inform all the participants that the abstract submission deadline is prolonged until the 8th of March, 2019.

  • Budapest ready for Sports Science Congress
    13 FEBRUARY 2019

    Commencing in 1989, the International Table Tennis Federation has always hosted a Sports Science Congress prior to the World Championships; this year is no different.

    In conjunction with the Hungarian Table Tennis Association and the ITTF Sports Science and Medical Committee, the 16th ITTF Sports Science Congress will be organized on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th April at the University of University Pecs, Faculty of Health Sciences.

  • Call for Sports Science Congress papers
    30 OCTOBER 2018

    The 16th International Table Tennis Federation Sports Science Congress, under the motto “Multifunctional Table Tennis: From the Top Level to the Health Sport Concept” will be held in Budapest on Friday 19th April and Saturday 20th April 2019.

    It will be jointly organised by University of Pecs Faculty of Health Sciences and Hungarian Table Tennis Association.

  • Welcome to the 16th Sports Science Congress of the International Table Tennis Federation
    18 OCTOBER 2018

    The 16th Sports Science Congress of the International Table Tennis Federation will be held in Budapest, Hungary. The congress will begin on Friday morning 19th April and end on Saturday evening on the 20th April 2019. It will be jointly organized by the University of Pécs Faculty of Health Sciences and the Hungarian Table Tennis Association.